• GGS Medical College, Faridkot


Stretch your legs Step forward with one foot till your leg ranges a 90 degree angle. While performing Back knee is kept  parallel to floor and the front knee shouldn’t go past your toes. Lift on your the front leg to beginning role. Repeat on another leg.

Hamstring Strengthening

Position yourself as lying on  your stomach. As the knee is straight to begin with and then progress to  flex (bend) your knee. Hold and slowly go back. Exercise (B) Stand with your toes shoulder distance apart. Your hands can relax on the the front of your thighs or reach in front of you. If wanted, keep directly to the returned of a chair or wall for balance. Have your chest lifted...

Quadriceps Strengthening

Position yourself in a straight sitting posture on a chair or bench. Tighten your thigh muscular tissues and slowly straighten and lift your affected leg as excessive as possible. Squeeze your thigh muscle mass and remain in this position for 5 seconds. Exercise (B) In lying position , extend the knee and carry leg upto 300  And maintain the position for 20 seconds and come back to ordinary...

Hamstring Stretch

Lift one leg off of the floor and produce the knee in the direction of your chest. Clasp your hands at the back of your thigh below your knee. Straighten your leg after which pull it lightly toward your head, until you feel a stretch. (If you have trouble clasping your arms behind your leg, loop a towel round your thigh. Grip the ends of the towel and pull your leg nearer to you.) Or in sitting...

Quadriceps Stretch

Standing with guide of wall or chair, bend one knee and maintain with one hand at the lower back side from ankle and attempt to bend till you feel stretch.

The website is conceptualized and designed by: Dr Anshul Dahuja

Assisted by : Kazal Gakhar (MPT)