• GGS Medical College, Faridkot

Range of Motion Exercises

This group of exercises means you are going to move your head and neck in all directions. Move your head in flexion position such that you chin touches upper chest HOLD for 5 seconds. Move your head in extension position such that you are looking upwards that is towards the ceiling. Move your head in extension position such that you are looking upwards that is towards the ceiling.  Move your...

Strengthening Exercises

Sitting On A ChairBack SupportedHead In Neutral Position Clasp both hands together, placing them on forehead, press backwards that means your hands are applying backward pressure on your forehead and your forehead equal pressure forwards such that no motion of head and neck take place. Now place your hands at the back of head both hands clasped together and applying pressure forwards and your...

Chin Tuck

Supine lying that is lie flat on your back.Place a pillow under your head.Tuck in your chin and push your head and neck into pillow.Hold for few seconds and relax. Reference: A John hopkin press health book, chapter 10, 3rd edition, John Hopkins University 2014, page 132-153.

Shoulder Shrugging

Sitting On ChairPlace your hands at sides of the chair.Raise your shoulders and then bring back to neutral level.Relax and Repeat. Reference: A John hopkin press health book, chapter 10, 3rd edition, John Hopkins University 2014, page 132-153.

Shoulder Rotation

Sitting On ChairPlace your hands on your shoulders.Move elbows and rotate them in forward direction and relax.Repeat and now rotate them in backward direction sand relax. Reference: A John hopkin press health book, chapter 10, 3rd edition, John Hopkins University 2014, page 132-153.

Shoulder Extension

Sitting On ChairPlace palms of your hands at the back of your headNow move your elbows forward such that both elbows touch each other in front and then move them backwards so that they align with shoulders as elbows move backwards.Repeat 10 times and then relax. Reference: A John hopkin press health book, chapter 10, 3rd edition, John Hopkins University 2014, page 132-153.

The website is conceptualized and designed by: Dr Anshul Dahuja

Assisted by : Kazal Gakhar (MPT)