• GGS Medical College, Faridkot

About Us

This website is designed on the basis of frequently asked questions by the patient in Orthopaedics OPD. Our aim is to focus on mainly on i.e. Correct Posture, Exercises, Do’s & don’t and Food for healthy joints.

Dr. Anshul Dahuja (M.S, McH Orthopedics) currently working as Assistant Professor in GGS MCH Faridkot has conceptualized and designed this website to guide the people/patient about the knee and back care as these two constitute the most common cause of pain and morbidity in musculoskeletal system worldwide. Also with aim to provide one stop information of not only about exercises but also about correct posture, do’s and don’t and food for joints.

The website is conceptualized and designed by: Dr Anshul Dahuja

Assisted by : Kazal Gakhar (MPT)